Sessional Classes

*NEW* We are excited to offer sessional classes for 2024/2025. These classes offer the flexibility of trying out a dance class for 6 or 8 weeks. Perfect for those looking to test the waters before committing full-term. Small performance opportunities may still be available.

More Information Below

Full-Year Classes

These classes allow for a complete dance experience and will operate the same way as the previous season. Students will be expected to commit to the full year, with preparation for the end-of year recital. These classes will follow an entire year of syllabi in the style being studied.

More Information Below

Summer Programs

*NEW* We are very excited to offer some summer camps and intensives for the summer. These camps are themed with various opportunities for fun and education. Options available for ages 3 and older.

Sessional Programs

Sessional classes are a fun introduction to the basics of dance. Our sessional programs are perfect for kids who want to give dance a try, without a long-term commitment. Whether your child is new to dance or wants to explore a new style of dance, these classes will be a fun and engaging time.

Dancers will focus solely on dance technique with a short routine being learned at the end of the session (Those registered in the Winter Sessional will have the option of performing in the year end recital if desired after learning a short routine- performance fee applies). 

Sessional dancers will learn a specific style or combination of styles for the specified amount of time. No costumes or extra performance fees are associated with sessional classes (unless performing in year-end recital). There are also no specific attire requirements (form-fitting comfortable clothes and bare feet recommended).

Full-Year Programs

Our Full Year Programs are designed to build a well-rounded dancer! Learning new skills takes time and commitment. To give our students the time they need to advance their dance and reach their goals, most of our classes run year round starting in September and ending in April the following year. All students enrolled in our yearly programs will take part in our big year end recital.

Dancers will be taught specific syllabi for the genre chosen. These will provide a proper foundation for dancers and will provide opportunities for students to pursue further education in dance if desired. This year, all full-year core classes listed below will take part in mock examinations (creative movement excluded). LCCD will also be offering full examination opportunities with outside adjudicators in the future years for ballet, jazz, tap, and acro to further support learning and progress.

Creative Movement and Pre-Primary Ballet: Leap and Learn early-childhood curriculum.

Ballet: CDTA, RAD, and Vaganova Syllabi

Jazz/Tap: ADAPT syllabi

Acro: ADTA syllabi

Full Year Commitment

At LCCD, we expect families who enter our full-year program to be ready to commit to a full year of classes, and a year-end recital (Dates TBD). Withdrawals after the allotted time causes disruptions in the class dynamics and choreograph, and prevents those waitlisted from being able to join the class. As the classes build upon each other, we cannot open registration again after September for new dancers in the full-year program. Participation in recital is highly encouraged. Our recital allows friends and family members to view our dancers’ hard work and give your dancer the opportunity to perform on stage which is a huge part of a full performing arts experience.

“To watch us dance is to hear our heart speak”